I made this mod. 'DormentGX' is merely a parody name of Opera GX. The icon and media all belongs to me (bar like one image). I am aware that 'Dorment' is misspelled, cope. (That will probably made Twitter happy)
Mod Features
**Background Music- **When activated, it will play the Burger King parody version of Ballin'; thus provoking the Mandela effect. (I will not be responsible for any Mandela effect based aftermaths trol.)
**Browser Sounds- **The Click SFX is replaced by the Ding SFX. The Feature On SFX is replaced by Windows USB Connect SFX and vice versa. (I am in your computer as we speak.) The Hover SFX is replaced by Bass Boosted Thud SFX. The Important Click SFX is replaced by the Eagle SFX. The Level Upgrade SFX is replaced by the Metal Gear Solid Codec SFX. (I am installing MGS1 on your computer as we speak.) The Limiter On SFX is replaced by the Windows XP Start-Up Sound and vice versa._ _(I am downgrading your computer to Windows XP as we speak.) The Switch SFX is replaced by the Taco Bell SFX. The Close Tab SFX is replaced by the Emoji Death SFX. (How could you?!) The New Tab SFX is replaced by the Reverb Fart SFX. And finally, the Tab Slash SFX is replaced by the Katana Slash SFX.
**Keyboard Sounds- **The typing SFX is replaced by 3 different variants of the Pipe Falling SFX (each with a 33.3% chance of playing); one a low pitched version, another a high pitched one, and then the normal one with a slight delay. The Backspace sound is replaced by the Goofy Aah SFX. The Space key SFX is replaced by a delayed version of the iPhone notification. And finally the Enter key SFX is replaced by the 'HES DONE IT!!!' meme.
**Themes- **There is a light mode version and a Dark mode version, along with Auto of course. The Dark mode version has a dark mode Dorment background (not my current profile image.) along with a very dark theme with a lime green secondary theme. The Light mode version has a Light Mode Dorment background with a White theme with Bright Green Secondary theme. The text colours for both has also been changed.
**Webmodding and Shaders- **Webmodding and Shaders haven't changed much. The Discord plugin is default Green theme and there is 2 shaders; both stock. The Green filter and the Wave effect. Could update the Wave Shader in the future.
Additional Info
If you didn't read the preview images (imagine) then I might as well state once more, 'MAKE SURE TO TUNE THE BROWSER SOUNDS AFTER GETTING THE MOD', unless you don't mind either total chaos or a loud browsing experience.
The Support Section 😴
If you want, you can sub to my YT channel (Dorment). I'm not going to disclose my other links such as server and other accounts so you HAVE to go on my channel (HA!). If you want to recommend features/tweaks then feel free to.

A mod that Dorment would very much like. This mod includes goofy aah features along with a green light/dark themes along with Dorment backgrounds.