I will probably add more stuff later because I have a potato laptop, so I will wait until I get a new laptop or PC. I genuinely love SMii7y's videos, even though I got his name wrong, so yeah. Sorry that there's not lots of stuff, I will probably make the keyboard typing his voice or something. Anyways, yeah, thanks for reading this. Also, P.S, SMii7Y, if you're reading this, which you probably aren't, don't start a podcast. If you do, don't. Just don't. They're so boring most of the time. Especially if they're like an hour long. Don't get me wrong, I like the occasional podcast episode from time to time, but then it'll take your videos even longer to get uploaded. We'll probably get a video in 2028 and you'll say something that happened in 2025, like humans forcing robots to become catgirl maids or something. I think most people would like that though. The catgirl maids, not the uploading videos from three years ago. I'm running out of things to write. You should make more VR videos, especially horror. We're both little bitches to be honest. I was so scared while watching your video of the Outland Trials or something. It's the horror game where you have to hide in the shadows, and there was this random street and jailcell indoors with like a big meaty man hunting you down when he saw you and Grizzy, or the others. I can change the look of the text. Cool. It would be funny if you randomly became like a furry or something. You should wear fur suits with Puffer, Pezzy, John, Blarg, Grizzy, and Droid. Specifically them people. Or you could do witchcraft. My family was kidnapped by my uncle's mom's dog's goldfish's groundhog's owner's sister's grandpa's stepchild. Help.
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