Mod based on my favourite game "Hollow Knight", whilst waiting for their new game "SilkSong" I decided to create a mod that uses one of the two sample songs that others might like listening to whilst going about their day to day life. Created with **sound effects from Hollow Knight **and imagery from websites that give non-copyrighted images to the public. Enjoy!
P.S. If you want me to make mods of other games, feel free to message me on discord @GalaxyJam/or submit it as a report so I can look at it here!
Update 1.4: Changed the sound effect for "Space" and "Backspace" to be the same as the sound effect for "Letter" so there arent as many sound effects. Report any bugs using the "Report" button! <3

Hollow Knight BoneBottom
Brings you the calm silksong experience. This was originally a personal mod I created because I wanted to listen to Bonebottom whilst I was studying but I figured I might as well make it public and include sound effects too. If you would like to suggest any sound effect replacements you can message me on discord [GalaxyJam] |Update 1.4 is here! Read more about it in the Long Description!|